Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"what difference would it make? Fulham travellers errr a fulham based team
London xkolars a london based team
London broncos
Errr a london based team
Harlequins errr a rugby union throwback
I understand the question
Lets give the bloke a sensible answer and discuss rathr than just have a go'"
It is a sensible answer.
If it would appease your delicate sensibilities, feel free to call them London Harlequins (as opposed to the multitude of other RL based Harlequins that currently exist)
Quote mickyb1234Harlequins errr a rugby union throwback'"
London Broncos were bankrupt - insufficient money / constantly changing location etc etc etc.
The choices were Harlequins or fold
What did you want to happen?
By taking the Harlequins name, the club continued to exist, has put down roots and built an award winning community scheme (all of which apparently pale into insignificance against the heinous crime of being called Harlequins and - horror of horrors - having an association with a union club
The fact is - the club is now Harlequins / Quins RL - if this offends you then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
His suggestions in other threads have already been discounted as obsolete, unworkable and 10 years out of date
Other than stirring up dissent, what do you think the purpose is of a person who - by his own admission - hasn't attended a game since the name change?