Quote Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo="Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo"At least we get one on one occasions with Max. On Sunday there were far too many one on nobody.'"
I think you'll find thar might be a team defence issue as much as anything. I'm not saying Grix didn't have issues on Sunday because he certainly did, but it's a big leap of faith to say Max would have faired any better. Of course he might have had a blinder, who knows, all I know is that CC and JK will have picked the best players available from the squad to win the game.
We all quite rightly have opinions but the coaches are working on better information than us speccies, so you have to have faith with them, especially considering the position they have put the club in and the quality of rugby they have us generally playing. Nothing wrong with a healthy and reasonable debate about selection issues though