Quote On the terracesQuote On the terraces="On the terraces":lol: Here we go again with these comments of hidden agenda, true fan, loyal fan oh and an axe to grind. These are all the comments that seem to crop up when ever i post something. I love, care and support the club just as much as the next person and like everyone else on here enjoy coming on here to state my opinion or just to have a bit of banter, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what this site is for. Sometimes I do make mountains out of mole hills but doesn't everybody at some point and yes I also get wound up with some stuff but just because I worked for the club and left doesn't mean that I am plotting anything or have a secret agenda. It is no secret that the directors wouldn't be my first choice of people to sit and have a drink with but I totally respect their decisions that they make with their club and the path they choose to go down with the club. Now this doesn't mean that I agree with everything they do in fact I don't agree with most things but they are the guys putting in their hard earned cash. One thing I will say is a lot of people comment on what they see from the club/directors but I have actually worked closely with these guys and know what type of people they are and seen the way they work and handle things. I will always support and back the club but at the same time I will always have an opinion because that is who I am, if I have something to say I have to say it if it's right or wrong.
What I saw yesterday is what I put in my post and I will stand by that and hopefully in another 5-6 weeks I can openly say sorry that I got it all wrong and Paul March is the best thing since sliced bread but unfortunately I think the Championship could be a step too far for him, I also think that in JD, Korky and Obst we are missing 3 big players and it is showing on the field. This maybe isn't just through them playing but the presence they had on the pitch and how some of the other lads played around them. In my opinion JD was the best coach our club has had since the likes of Phil Larder but at the same time no matter what I think I really hope Marchy can prove me wrong and turn things around.
Hopefully this might make the small handful of people that think I am up to something stop with the petty comments and let me have an opinion just like everyone else, I am not on here to win brownie points or cause trouble.'"
God there is so much personal bitching going on on this forum, everyone is entitled to there opinion, but when people directly attack another individual who has just started in a new position (Marchy) it absolutely stinks!
He lost 6 First team players before he had even started in the job!
Then with the injury list at present with Mossy, Killer and Rawlins and a couple more, ad those to the 6 players at the end of last season an you have nearly all first team regulars out!
I know we have had the odd new signing but no one with a vast amount of experience, but i do know given the situation with the club and how much effort they have done to boost season tickets, you can't say they aren't trying to get people through the turnstyle.
Its only the second game of the season with a limited first team squad to pick from, its early days and if not anything Marchy deserves a chance to prove himself with a full fit squad and when we have i think then the results will speak for themselves.