Quote north stand="north stand"Alan I am surprised at you saying how good this board is at communicating can you tell me how many fans forums they have had ?
Correct me if I am wrong did you not praise the last board for how transparent they we're have you now changed your mind ?
Andy can you tell me as. A board member have you been appointed the clubs forum man
Linda you should play the Elton John song and listen what he has to say about the word sorry then let Andy no
Andy you keep reminding us how much money and time this board are putting in that's great but if you manage to put in as much time and effort as Trevor and his team did then Super League hear we come so as the going says Just Do It
And thanks to the new board keep up the good work'"
Good evening North Stand.
The new BOM hasn't had a Fans' Forum yet - I think it would be an excellent idea for them to start them up again. Thanks for the suggestion. From what I can gather, the BOM/BOD have been somewhat busy, the last few months, getting the club's finances in order, amongst a number of other initiatives. With respect though, in my opinion the Forums, excellent as they are, are just one method of communication - there are many others to address/improve, as well.
Yes, I did praise the last Board for their transparency, and I do stand by that. They were a good deal more open about things than previous administrations had been. So far, the current BOD/BOM have taken that transparency up a few more notches.
Finally, you're right, Trevor and 'his team' (I guess that might even include me

) did put in a massive amount of time and effort, but I would suggest that this BOD/BOM is on track to better that - for one thing, there are more of them, inputting time expertise, and cash.