Quote red polly="red polly"I have never heard such winging from fans who are supposed to love their club.what happened in London was bad,
but we should get behind the team.We are not 4million in debt, that debt is owed to John wilkinson who continues to bankroll the club.I think John wilkinson deserves better from both the fans and the players when he is doing his best to make sure we still have a club.It must be gut wrenching for him when all fans do is slag off the club.You are not doing us any favours.As for who would invest in the club? Well I certainly would if I had the money and that is because I love the club and have been a fan for forty years.So come on let's see all you real fans ,sticking up for your club and not rubbishing it all the time.'"
Careful there polly, talking any kind of sense/positivity is generally frowned upon.
Should be interesting to see which type of 'fan' replies...
1. The Simms hater. Who will blame anything and everything on Simms including the start of WW2 and the current financial crisis.
2. The Wilkinson doubter. A special kind of fan who blames all shortcomings on the guy who bankrolls the Club year after year.
3. The 'Ones in the know'. Special types who claim their own particular fantasy on 'pure truth' garnered from the guy who makes the burgers...
4. The Aggressives. Those who's word is truth on pain of meeting-up on a game day and playing the hard man.
5. The plastic fan. Who claims years of service, gets everything on a freebie, then whines about it.
6. The Schizo. A fan who thinks we are unbeatable when we win but offers-up suicide as an option when fuelled with booze after a loss.
7. The season ticket threatener. Someone who threatens to never ever on pain of death renew their season ticket due to a knee-jerk reaction.
8. The blatant liar. Someone who just talks dirt.
9. The 'I've been to every game since 1974 so my opinion must mean more than yours' fan. If you were a plank in 1978, after thirty-eight years you are still a plank.
10. The genuine Salford fan. Who will offer thoughtful debate on an enlightening and forward-thinking forum...I actually laughed at this one.