Quote dally messenger="dally messenger"so you are a RL fan and claim origin means nothing?
stick to watching the swans mate.
origin is the pinnacle of australian sport.
even one of the brisbane lions players said he wished AFL had something like it.
they dont.
poor dears.'"
Yeah i used to like Origin, back when i was a kid, much like you are no doubt now
Now it just bores me & i'd say a hell of a lot of other people.
As for the swans, hate them, never been to a game, never watched a game.
I still say AFL all over us, the biggest market is still Sydney for League & everyones to busy & got to much going on & to many things to choose from to really give a toss, hence Sydney clubs at most only get 16000 odd average at best.
All you can keep bringing up is three origin games that are most years hit & miss.
As for the World Cup, do you really think most people even know its on??
I know its going to happen, will i bother to watch games? probably not, will i be Surfing every chance i get??..you feckin bet, most people are over League now, the crowds will be a pretty big dissapointment i reckon, you'll have a few thousand weirdo muppets from England coming over for the greatest show on earth & nobody will be home