Quote Fev 1979="Fev 1979"I thought long and hard over my support for fev this week but if it's just this season like the club say il live with it, I'm really not happy with it but il live with it.
If in the future something more serious like a feeder or merger came along then I'd be gone.
I hate duel reg with a passion and I really won't pretend my club doing it for the rest of this season doesn't upset me because it does.'"
But a merger with Wakefield playing at Post Office Road would in my humble opinion be good for you. Wakefield won't have a ground soon, you have a go ahead board with it seems backers, soon to be a ground fit for purpose, (SL speak)
You have a great board, so stick with your club, accept their decisions.
Wakey fans won't like it at first, but they will come round, all 1000 of them love their Rugby League,
Good luck to Fev and any club who make decisions which benefit the club.