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| Quote Fishermanscap="Fishermanscap"They used to say people in Wakefield were so stupid that if you painted a Donkey red they would vote for it, do you find that theory acceptable?
Why is it that when things don't go peoples way they claim the other lot didn't read the manifesto properly because one has to assume they are somehow daft. To call that attitude condescending is an understatement, yes mate in the last two never-ending years we've all totally not understood Brexit ect, I mean it's not like anybody's been talking about it is it
Take it on the chin, one side won one side lost and the majority gets what it wants, its called democracy. You can disagree all you like and hell you may be right as regards policy but don't you dare suggest people who voted Tory are stupid, the vast majority knew exactly what they were doing and did so with the best of intentions!'"
If you think I called or inferred anyone was stupid in my comments then you must be stupid! Where did I say that? Get your facts right before you attack me for making a comment, which I think is quite reasonable, judging by the number of people I know, who have voted Tory because of Brexit . When I have asked them about other Tory policies they haven't got a clue! Perhaps you're one of them and I touched a nerve?
I have nothing to take on the chin. I accept democracy.
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| Quote TrinTrin="TrinTrin"Well, just been back - reading these posts after Xmas & election, labour still in denial over brexit - the frustrations they caused cost them the election in Labour areas, and still they don't see it or get it !!! The potential leaders offer all the reasons except the truth, onwards for 5 more years of self denial of what the public want, they should only want what we offer as a party.
How backward in thinking ! Still that's what you get when kid your self !'"
No offence, but you talk about backward thinking and kidding yourself yet seem to have bought the Tory media spin that the election was all about Brexit, when it's about much more than that i.e. tackling increased austerity and budget cuts, most people who are truly struggling couldn't give a damn about Brexit when it comes down to it.
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| Quote TrinTrin="TrinTrin"Well, just been back - reading these posts after Xmas & election, labour still in denial over brexit - the frustrations they caused cost them the election in Labour areas, and still they don't see it or get it !!! The potential leaders offer all the reasons except the truth, onwards for 5 more years of self denial of what the public want, they should only want what we offer as a party.
How backward in thinking ! Still that's what you get when kid your self !'"
Do your homework and listen to what all the potential leaders say, don't just pick up your comments from the lead page of the Sun or Express.
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| Quote TrinTrin="TrinTrin"The potential leaders offer all the reasons except the truth, onwards for 5 more years of self denial of what the public want, they should only want what we offer as a party.'"
That's partly because the candidates who have launched their campaigns so far, were themselves responsible for the policy on Brexit that annoyed so many Leave voting people; Keir Starmer, Rebecca Long-Bailey and Clive Lewis were enthusiastic PV advocates, which in my view, makes them unsuitable for the role of leader. I don't include Jess Phillips, because I don't know what any of her policies are on anything, apart from herself - which seems to be her specialist subject.
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| Blimey is this still running! Folks it's over, Boris won BY A LOT and Brexit will happen. Move on, start supporting the nation instead of your own narrow ideologies.
As I say, it's happening. You have the choice, make a moderately bad situation far worse - or - treat it as a new beginning and a new chance to take Britain forward. It might not be what you wanted but the King Canute attitude didn't work then and it won't work now. Stop the sulking and start doing some striding is my new year's resolution.
Britain FIRST, party politics a very distant SECOND!

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| Seems a strange thing to post a reply to a near dead thread to bring it to the top of the list to complain that it hasn't drifted away yet.
I only let it run through the off season as it was being discussed in a mature way while the elections were on and we had nothing else to talk about.
Congratulations to those posting that kept things under control on a clearly emotive subject.
However preseason has started now so time to let this one go.