This is a direction that I sensed may be on the cards last season. I spoke to Phil Bentham during a game which was officiated by Aaron Moore, in which he tried to get the game to flow without applying too many penalties. Mr Bentham was checking my view as to how Aaron was officiating, the best I could muster was "Meh".
Personally I want to see penalties, it is sometimes the only way to get some Play the Balls in the opponents 20 metre area. More tries the better, rather than a wrestling match in the middle of the field. No flopping, or the 3rd man resting on top of the "pile on" looking both ways before casually extracting himself from the ruck.
When a player makes a break, why are the defence allowed extra seconds to let their teammates get back. Leigh have two hookers in Ipape and Dwyer that thrive on quick play the balls, it exciting to watch when defences are forced to scramble.
Ping the offending players and speed the game up, this can only happen if referees stop the usual suspects from rubbing the attackers face in the ground and pretending their arm is stuck whilst holding onto the ball.
Oddly enough Leigh probably don't beat Wigan with a faster game. Give me tries not arm wrestling.