Quote Off! Number Seven="Off! Number Seven"What is it with this "dump of a ground" routine you and others bang on about? We have a ground owned by the club that is in dire need of renovation, we understand its failings far more than you do. There are a number of iniatives looking at financing the works we believe are required in order of priority and funds available (I make no reference to SL requirements here as they are very subjective).
However I have to say that as much of a dump as CP is, I am never depressed by the thought of attending games there in the way I would be were I turning up at the LSV, Shay or Stobarts. Why?, because the 3 grounds mentioned are huge concrete reminders of the clubs MASSIVE FAILURE! You have lost the lot and =#FF0000only have somewhere to play through the charity of tax payers in the Leigh borough, 95% of which do not attend your matches! Yet many of you seem to think your presence at the LSV affords your club some kind of merit, like you had something to do with it!!! Stop kidding yourselves, you can't haide the facts...
Not sure what your context for the prefix "LITTLE" Barrow but I am sure you will invent some dreary invective to try an justify it.
As for the comment about Leigh's attendance at CP last season...50, 70 tops, there were 40 odd stood behind the sticks singing "yer just a town full of seagulls" and a few stragglers around other areas.
Finally, I am not trolling, I merely responded after one of Leigh's fans got carried away with himself, left the banter behind and decided to be insulting.'"
What makes it funnier is that it has actually been funded by (amongst other sources) taxpayers in
=#FF0000WIGAN Metropolitan Borough - yes, including those who live in, and support

Incidentally, we seem to be in good company, in terms of support, as only about 4% of the population of W***n, support the Warriors! (based on most recent census figures, and an estimate of 13k/14k W***n supporters)