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| I took my kids last night on one of the club coaches. After a thoroughly enjoyable night we boarded the coach to come back to Warrington. Before the coach even moved off we were told to keep our heads away from the windows as the coaches were being bricked by Cas fans and that the security were directing us a different way in order to avoid these "fans". I really thought this was a thing of the past and it has put me off taking the kids to Cas again even though most of the night was great. I don't think it helps when Cas fans over on their board tell you you are talking bull because you are the only one to mention it.
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| I had a 10 minute walk back to the car from the ground and had absolutely no problem.
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| Quote Teessidewire="Teessidewire"I had a 10 minute walk back to the car from the ground and had absolutely no problem.'"
Same here, walked down Weldon road to the minibus no bother at all
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| Castleford is in Yorkshire the pennines are there to keep the inbreds away from normality they are all Neanderthal mud hut living idiots that's why nobody should be supprised they can't or don't know how to behave
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| all the times ive been to cas only seen trouble twice..majority of their fans are decent folk,shame they have a few idiots that spoil a good day/night out..as for being advised to take a bit of a detour makes sense..remember the wilderspool days when hull and hull kr came here they took their coaches away from the town centre cos majority of times there would be trouble..dont let these muppets win...could be worse we could have gone to feth
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| Firstly, I'd like to thank the wire fans who seem level headed about the whole thing, admit they've had similar problems in the past and that cas fans on the whole are a good bunch. We are. It does not happen every week at all and you all know that.
The redireting of coaches in my opinion is to simply prevent the same thing that happened to the Leeds team bus. There aren't gangs of skin heads or balaclava wearing men throwing bricks or chucking spears at passers by on Wheldon Road. Just one time a kid of about ten (witness reports not my version) threw a brick. That one episode was one too many, and the redirecting is obviously to help it never happen again. What more exactly can the Cas club do to prevent these things? Had you gone down Wheldon road and your bus bricked (very unlickley) then the thread started would have gone off on one big time, knowing what had happened before and the fact you have children with you.
You have to remember we feel that everything we do has a bearing on the franchise decisions, and for example, some of our local neighbours (some Wakey fans) want to highlight, exaggerate and never let go any tiny incident that happens to make us look worse because they fear it will be the only way of saving themselves. This of course, instead of just getting on with their own stadium.
Of course, some of us Cas fans are a little bit touchy and want to go all defensive on these matters. We see things happening at other clubs yet only ever seem to see our own club fined by the RFL. For example, we had some fans say a few choice words to a referee after a game (this is wrong of course) and we are fined. Hull had a spectator run on the field and attack someone, what happened with that one? Wakey have just had an old lady run on to the field and push over a kid trying to get to the officials, but according to the wakey fans this is just funny. Cas were fined for homophobic chanting yet lots of fans have admitted they were embarressed at their own fans homophobic chanting and no one else has been fined. I was at wembley for the scuffle between pee'd up Wire fans and Hudds fans (or was it other wire fans can't remember) so have seen you have a few idiots. I don't want to have this go off on to the why's and where for's etc of these incidents all i'm trying to do is put over the general feeling of many people in and around Cas. Our club simply doesn't want to be in the news for any more incidents.
Also, we know about your booze bus or whatever it is and our stewards kept a close eye on the pee'd up fans who were chucking their guts up all over the place. Some of these fans were very abusive and slightly OTT goading the Cas fans when you changed ends. What a set of first class prize prats some of them are. I'll not tar the rest of the Wire fans with that brush though, i'd rather ignore the inbred comments and the rest of the crap that comes up in these threads.
Good luck for the GF. If a Yorkshire team gets there i'll be rooting for them otherwise i'll be wanting a Wire win. Playing the game in the right manner, skill, strength, speed, proffessionalism are reasons enough to want to see you succeed.