Quote bikerpie="bikerpie"Looks like a great stadium, and I can't wait for Wigan to win on their first visit there!!!

Been trying to get a fix on exactly where it is located, but the web site doesn't mention it. Can anyone give an exact location (road junction, lat/long, google maps link etc)?'"
[url=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=pc+world&sll=53.445433,-2.726669&sspn=0.005904,0.01929&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&t=h&radius=0.48&hq=pc+world&hnear=&ll=53.446034,-2.72712&spn=0.005904,0.01929&z=16It's here, just to the right of where it says 'St Helens linkway'.[/url
It's basically opposite the retail park on the link road from the M62 into St helens. It's just before you reach the miner's statue as you approach down the linkway.