Quote Gurus_Beard="Gurus_Beard":D
Point taken, especially since you tend to make more logical and objective points than some. However, when I read (with increasing frequency) genuine inaccuracies, it is worth addressing, with a little reality. It may not prove popular in this forum colosseum, the rhetoric alone suggests so, but I'll live with that. I've no truc with disagreements or contrary opinion, it's the very essence of a debate; what concerns me as I say, are absolute untruths.
As for Hood and Coulby, stepping off the PR gas, might be a cute way forward; fans have little desire to see the showboating, just action.'"
I find yours and Adeys posts interesting and thought provoking. I don't like either of you taking personal issue with each other.
Both show you care passionately about our club. Hopefully the BOD read our comments and will treat us with some respect for having both an opinion and some intelligence!