Quote old frightful="old frightful"Quote old frightful="The Mighty White Ace"They can, however the North Stand tickets (£23 in advance) are supplied to the away team for sale prior to the game, inferring that the away fans should be seated there. In the same way that Leeds supply Western Terrace tickets to the away team.'"
Yes but everybody is surely their own person. If you don't want to pay £25 to sit at one end, pay £19 to sit at the other. Just because Leeds are issued with "away" tickets doesn't force you to buy one.
Leeds may have issued Hull FC with "away" tickets to the Western Terrace every time we've visited Headingley but I usually sit in the North Stand.
You should watch the "Trainline.com" advert on the telly more often.
They are and I know that I can purchase Hull tickets in any stand I wish, as you do at Leeds (and I don't blame you going in the North stand over the West).
However, I'd guess the bulk of away tickets are purchased in advance from the away team (who will have been supplied the pricier tickets from Hull) or as a walk up (probably directed to the away designated stand) and not purchased in advance from Hull in the home stands.
Plus how many people will spend the time checking the away team's website for tickets or want to sit in a different stand to the rest of their team's fans?
Maybe in future, fans travelling to the KC should get organised, not get tickets through their club and go in the home stands to save a few quid.
Also, I'd avoid using thetrainline.com as they charge a bit extra for the same tickets that you can get cheaper elsewhere (a bit like Hull
