Quote tim2446="tim2446"As said before, it is the small minority of fans that every club has that behave in this fashion, however also as said before the problem should have been reported to a steward so the problem could have been dealt with accordingley, as these problem's are a priority to be resolved this season.
Im afraid to say very little can be done now as the culprits cannot be identified, therefore no action can be taken. These kind of situations are becoming common place everytime fans mix, i myself got some abuse at headingley last friday, swearing and the usual inbred crap, but it wont stop me from visiting headingley in the future to come.
Hopefully this encounter will not stop you from visiting the jungle in the future, stewards cannot stop fans from mixing without segregating the stands, but mixing is one of the things that makes the RL experience what it is for myself and many other fans, and while ever they can mix, "banter" will happen. Ignore it, report it to a steward an get on with enjoying the game, too late to do anything now im afraid'"
The person who posted this thread was giving as good as he was getting from where I was stood there was quite a few cas fans that moved away from that area before half time because of this bloke and his mates attitude towards cas fans and language and I was one of them. maybe we should have reported him to the stewards. instead we took it on chin as banter and got on with it.