Quote Starbug="Starbug"Quote Starbug="Jonnie.."So what your saying is that that this idea has to "run before it has leanred to walk
I think, that getting one club right will then provide a platform that could then lead on to a new business that could supply clubs with what they need and want, but FFS Starbug, i cannot belive u have said it won't work, if we all did that then we would never get out of bed in a morning!
I think its a pretty sound idea and has bags of potnetial, well done Ian and best of luck with the venture
All just my opinion, I contacted several clubs with my idea ( including Fax ) but the responses I recieved back were dissapointing to say the least, no real understanding of what I was actually looking to achieve, far too much " why should we help them ? " , or " you'll never get them to work with him " , or the best ones " We get free kit " , " when I was in the police they tried to get us to all agree to purchase certain vehicles, but all the different authorities couldnt agree "
[size=150Ultimatly Fax are too small to build up a mass market brand, they dont have the money , potential market share or the spread of location to do it, they might well save money and make a few extra quid than in the past[/size, but that is all, I was looking for much more than that'" Quote Starbug="Starbug"All just my opinion, I contacted several clubs with my idea ( including Fax ) but the responses I recieved back were dissapointing to say the least, no real understanding of what I was actually looking to achieve, far too much " why should we help them ? " , or " you'll never get them to work with him " , or the best ones " We get free kit " , " when I was in the police they tried to get us to all agree to purchase certain vehicles, but all the different authorities couldnt agree "
Ultimatly Fax are too small to build up a mass market brand, they dont have the money , potential market share or the spread of location to do it, they might well save money and make a few extra quid than in the past, but that is all, I was looking for much more than that'"
So your saying the idea is beaten before its even started, packup go home, sit onour hands, and be like the rest and say it wont work, and he won't work with him etc
Its not personal Starbug, but its easy to say how at and why it won's work
I for one think its a good idea, that has the potential to grow. I far as i am awere, no where has it been said this idea/project is going to take on the world, but rather aimed at a soultion for Fax and its issues with kit supplies! and as a soultion for that, i think it has great potential to do just that, and if it leads to other things fantastic.
I agree getting others to work together is always hard, but if you don't try, then nothing would ever be achieved other than saying it won't work!