Quote Wire Yed="Wire Yed"Like Snowden?'"
I'm very sceptical of Snowden. He has all the makings of an intelligence operation. Ex-military. Applied for special forces but supposedly didn't make it (which means he likely did and he's been "sheep dipped"). I think he went to somewhere like the Monterray School of Languages - which is a big "no no". As is the fact that he was working as a fully-fledged CIA operative in Switzerland. The guy is a spook.
His behaviour after he "downloaded" anywhere up to a million classified-or-above files from the NSA's servers (without their knowledge) screams spook.
The Snowden operation is a complex, multi-layered one serving several purposes which would take me too long to speculate on. Suffice to say that people should take note of [iwhat was going on in the world[/i the day the Snowden story broke.
John Young at cryptome.org has been holding Snowden & Glenn Greenwald's feet to the fire over the non-appearance of the overwhelming majority of these stolen files. Greenwald himself seems to be doing very well out of the whole affair landing a lucrative media opportunity with that very shady character, Pierre Omidyar (and ... believe it or not ... Booz-Allen Hamilton!).
I mean, what really has Snowden (and Julian Assange) released? It's a similar story to another Guardian-led operation which has emerged recently, "The Panama Papers". I said BEFORE I'd even seen the story that the number one target would be Putin and very, very few US or UK-based businessmen would be touched. When you look closely at Snowden, Assange & the Panama Papers it soon becomes apparent that aside from one or two minor incidents which result in some mid-level intelligence dweeb or squaddie in the US being thrown to the wolves the great majority of content is aimed directly at Russia, the BRICS nations and certain unfriendly Gulf states.
None of these people would ever have received the press they've garnered if they were legitimate. BTW, I'm not suggesting that they are knowingly part of a deception. There are plenty of "useful fools" in the world...